Is My Lab Puppy Aggressive… or Just Playing?
The dog pack is an amazing thing to study and behold. Its so unlike our “packs” (families) yet they try their best to adapt and become part of ours…and they do it quite well! If you are interested, the... -
Traveling with your Labrador: Don’t leave home without these tips and tricks!!!
This is our first GUEST BLOG by our daughter, Olivia Stanley, who we are passing the torch to someday and boy is she an adventurer at heart! So her tips here are SO valuable. No one I know has done... -
What have you done with my Lab and where’ve you taken him?? (Dog Marking Behavior)
LOL…that came out sounding kinda scary, huh? Like I was going to blog on theft of dogs…NOPE.. Ever Wonder Why Your Labrador Changes Personalities or Behavior around different dogs???? Sometimes I call it the “adolescent stage” where they “test”... -
How to Pick the Right Puppy
Choosing to add a Labrador puppy to your home is a huge and rewarding decision. Choosing which breeder to go to is an incredibly important part of this decision. And choosing which puppy to take home… Well, now I’m... -
Swimming season is here! Here’s some cautions, helpful safety hints, and tips!!!
Although Labradors are natural swimmers, there are still logical, common sense rules that some people don’t think of when swimming season begins. First of all, if you are in “big water” it is advisable to use a floaty–that way... -
Let’s talk HUMPING!!! (PG Rated!)
And it’s not just male dogs that exhibit this behavior! Puppies begin humping each other early. Its the way they divide themselves into submissive and aggressive behaviors within the dog pack and is TOTALLY normal. And no, spaying and neutering... -
ESA (Emotional Support Animals) The “new” debate: On the move or out of control?
After a week traipsing in and out of airports and terminals and a cruise ship, I saw more ESA dogs than ever. I’ll be the FIRST person to say I’d love to take my Labrador everywhere (and have!)... -
Dangers you may not have thought of regarding an unrestrained, traveling dog
Many pet parents are oblivious to some of the dangers of traveling with dogs in their vehicle. My hope is that you will save you and your dog’s life and health by reviewing these few VERY important tips you... -
Am I too old to get a Pet?
Pet ownership offers many physical and emotional benefits for seniors, although practical matters, such as health status, must be considered. In a study of older adults, dog walking was associated with lower body mass index, fewer doctor visits, fewer... -
Reasons punishing your Labrador may = devastating Results
Over the past 30 years, I have observed well-meaning, naïve pet owners, quite often, turn a perfectly good Labrador into a ferocious monster. And not only does this have devastating effects on their family, but on their dog—for life!...