Labrador News from Potomac 2014! | Endless Mt. Labradors

In April 17, 2014

The Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac show this year was so much fun!!  And we are especially proud of our chocolate puppies who did so well!!!!! 🙂


Sterling at Potomac- Endless Mountain Labradors



Sterling (Endless Mt Shines Like Sterling) took first in his class under Giuseppe Masia, and he was the youngest!!!
At only 6 months, 1 week old. 🙂 He also placed second in Puppy Sweeps under Dr. Kathy Sneider.  We couldn’t be more proud of him!!



Genna- Endless Mountain Labradors



Genna (Endless Mt Genevieve) also took first in her class under Judith Charlton, 
and fourth in sweeps under Joy Quallenberg. Genna is showing to be a very impressive young lady! And such a doll to boot! 🙂



Grant at Potomac- Endless Mountain Labradors



Grant (Harbor Run’s Lord Grantham of Endless Mt.) took second in his class under Giuseppe Masia. Grant is one of our newbie studs here at Endless Mt., and we’re looking forward to seeing some of his pups this Summer! 🙂

Mackie at Potomac- Endless Mountain Labradors




And our dear Mackie (CH Endless Mt. Mack Truck) placed second in his Veterans class (7-9 years) under Giuseppe Masia.  As always, he was his tail wagging happy old self in the ring! He has so much fun doing this! 🙂


Scotch- Endless Mountain Labradors



We especially love this picture that Kathy DeVito caught of our Scotch (GCH CH Endless Mt’s Scotland Yard) making the cut in Best of Breed!! Thanks Kathy!






We also found this great news coverage that has both Mackie and Romeo in the footage!  Check it out! 🙂



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