Trick or Treat: Keeping your pets safe at Halloween

In October 31, 2013

Trick or Treat!

While Halloween can be a fun time with friends and family, be to sure that you’re also looking out for your fur babies on this Howl-i-day! (Cheesy, I know…)

Halloween doggies- Endless Mt. Labradors

  1. Playing dress-up…
    Costumes can be fun for your kids and for your dogs, but be sure that your canine kid is comfortable in his/her Howl-o-ween get-up!  Some dogs tolerate a fun costume very well, while others may be bothered by wearing an outfit.
  2. Trick-or-Treat!  “Treat??!!! OOOHH PICK TREAT! PICK TREAT!”
    While chocolate is a yummy treat for the neighborhood kids, it can be a DEADLY treat for your dog!  Not to mention other artificial sweeteners in various candies that are toxic.  Keep the candy out of your pup’s furry reach!
  3. Beware of tricksters
    Unfortunately there are often cruel “pranks” played on animals every year around this time… Keep your pets inside and away from potential tricksters prowling about!  Animal cruelty skyrockets around Halloween, black colored pets often being targeted the most.
  4. Be cautious of all the strange faces…
    All of the different costumes, faces, and strange people coming up to your door can really spook your fur baby.  Be careful to keep pets away from the front door, as to prevent any potential out-of-character reactions to all the craziness happening around them.
  5. Fall harvest treats 
    Households are often full of apples, pumpkins, and other harvest goodies around this time of year.  While apple slices can be a yummy treat for your dog, the SEEDS are what can be dangerous for a dog’s digestive system.  This rule goes for any fruit really… The fruit may be OK, but the seeds are NOT.  Also, as always, every treat is good in MODERATION.  Don’t let your dog gorge himself on fall fruit! 😉

Zeke- Endless MT. Labradors

And of course… Happy Hoooooowloween!!!!

Libby- Endless Mt. Labradors

Pumpkin- Endless Mt. Labradors


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