Let’s talk HUMPING!!! (PG Rated!)
And it’s not just male dogs that exhibit this behavior! Puppies begin humping each other early. Its the way they divide themselves into submissive and aggressive behaviors within the dog pack and is TOTALLY normal. And no, spaying and neutering... -
ESA (Emotional Support Animals) The “new” debate: On the move or out of control?
After a week traipsing in and out of airports and terminals and a cruise ship, I saw more ESA dogs than ever. I’ll be the FIRST person to say I’d love to take my Labrador everywhere (and have!)... -
When should I spay-neuter my puppy?
Spay or Neutering your puppy – When Should You do it? Most people hear that you should spay or neuter your puppy as soon as possible (as young as 6 months old), so as to diminish the unwanted puppy... -
Dangers you may not have thought of regarding an unrestrained, traveling dog
Many pet parents are oblivious to some of the dangers of traveling with dogs in their vehicle. My hope is that you will save you and your dog’s life and health by reviewing these few VERY important tips you... -
Diatomaceus Earth (DE) for Flea Control: How DE works to control fleas and other pests in the house, yard, and on your dog
WHAT IS IT? DE is a fine, flour-like substance, the microscopic remains of fossilized diatoms, a type of algae. Diatoms are found in fresh and salt water. Diatom cell walls are made of silica, a component of glass. DE... -
Am I too old to get a Pet?
Pet ownership offers many physical and emotional benefits for seniors, although practical matters, such as health status, must be considered. In a study of older adults, dog walking was associated with lower body mass index, fewer doctor visits, fewer... -
Reasons punishing your Labrador may = devastating Results
Over the past 30 years, I have observed well-meaning, naïve pet owners, quite often, turn a perfectly good Labrador into a ferocious monster. And not only does this have devastating effects on their family, but on their dog—for life!... -
What is CERF and PRA and what types of eye issues are hereditary in Labradors?
What is a CERF exam, and why should I not buy a puppy if the parents have not had this examination??? If you have a Labrador, I’m sure you don’t want them to go blind as early as 2-5... -
Are all Labradors plagued with ACL tears?
The combination of weakened muscles due to lack of bio-available calcium and fluid build-up along the joints (see blog on “Feeding Kibble to my Dog is always Cheaper). …these two things, together with environmental issues (to be discussed below), contribute...