Labrador News from Potomac 2014! | Endless Mt. Labradors
The Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac show this year was so much fun!! And we are especially proud of our chocolate puppies who did so well!!!!! 🙂 Sterling (Endless Mt Shines Like Sterling) took first... -
Why do Dogs Scoot their Butts?
Dog Butt Scooting! Why!! Have you ever witnessed your dog dragging his tush along your clean Persian rug and thought, “why????” and “Nooo!!!!” all at the same time?? Before you assume that they’re trying to embarrass you… there are... -
Is Your Dog Walking You? Train Your Dog to Stop Pulling the Leash
Train Your Dog to Stop Pulling On The Leash Trying to walk a dog that is pulling you all over the place can be very frustrating, and can leave you with a pretty sore shoulder by the end of... -
Barking Habits – Are You Reinforcing Your Labrador’s Barking?
Curb your Labrador’s barking habits Is your lab a constant barker?? Do they bark at everything from the sun to their own foot??? Barking is a natural reflex in dogs, but, there are ways to curb excessive barking. And... -
Cataracts Information That Can Save Your Dog’s Sight!
Eye sight in early puppy development Just another reason why nutrition and good breeding is SO important for your dog’s health… This is why all of the dogs, here at Endless Mountain Labradors, have what’s called a CERF clearance. This... -
Dog Parks and Socialization Classes Can Go Horribly Wrong…
Dog Parks and Socialization Can Have Adverse Effects Dog parks are sort of a newer craze among pet owners. The general thought here is to let dogs interact off leash, play, and socialize. This concept SEEMS great. Here’s the... -
Trick or Treat: Keeping your pets safe at Halloween
Trick or Treat! While Halloween can be a fun time with friends and family, be to sure that you’re also looking out for your fur babies on this Howl-i-day! (Cheesy, I know…) Playing dress-up… Costumes can be fun for... -
Hip Dysplasia: Treatment Options
While we strive to not only eliminate this issue from our bloodlines, genetically, we also strive to educate new puppy owners on environmental preventative measures. (Hip Dysplasia in Labradors: What can I do to prevent it?) However, if you... -
It’s OK to love again…
I’m often asked this question by inquiring clients… “I just lost my (insert pet’s name)… How long should I wait before getting a puppy?” People frequently call us after losing a beloved canine family member, asking about our upcoming... -
Skunk – HELP!!! My dog got SKUNKED!
If this is your current predicament… my thoughts go out to you and your nose! Or if you just want to know what to do for future reference… If you’ve ever had a dog get sprayed by a skunk,...