Precious Little Endless Mt Pumpkins and Festive Fall Photos!
(Amazing) Photo credit above to Lisa and John Konopka, model: Otto (Genevieve x Bosco)
Precious Little Endless Mt Pumpkins and Festive Fall Photos…
Tis’ the Season for Festive Fall Photos… and of course puppies with pumpkins!
Below are some precious EML pups with beautiful fall setups! Enjoy the cuteness…

Therapy certified Hope (Maggie x Scotch) and Abby (Sicily x Manny) posing for Fall! Shared by owners, Bud and Alice Roberts

The surely very talented Maddy Bea (Paisley x RB) and her carved pumpkin! Shared by owner, Susan Wiley

Another handsome shot of the stunning Otto (Genna x Bosco)- shared by owner, Lisa Konopka (the queen of getting her dogs to pose perfectly!)

And too good not to share one more of him… the festive Otto once more! Shared by owner, Lisa Konopka

Puppy photo of Palmer (Ruby x Spencer) enjoying his first Fall! Palmer is now 5! Shared by owner, Kaitlin Barrett

“Who says pumpkins are just for decoration?? This is delicious!” -Sassafrass (Ballad x Brody 2019)-Shared by owner, Tracy Tippett
Speaking of pumpkins! Did you know pumpkin is a yummy AND healthy treat for your pup???
Click here for our blog post on the many benefits of feeding some pureed pumpkin to your pooch! 🙂
-Endless Mt. Labradors. Copyright 2021. All images and text can only be used by permission only from Donna Stanley.