rainy days with labradors

Rainy Days and Labradors…

In June 24, 2013

So as I sit here at my desk on this rainy Monday, with not one, but three labs sleeping at my feet… I feel inspired to share some sweet, sleepy, Monday appropriate labby pictures with you all. 🙂  These have been collected over the years by either ourselves or sent to us by our wonderful puppy families, which of course is the best part of our jobs!  Seeing how our wonderful pups are enjoying their wonderful homes. 🙂

Sleepy labs- Endless Mt. Labradors

Big pup, little pup nap time 🙂

Sweet old Doc napping on the couch here at Endless Mt. Labradors

Sweet old Doc napping on the couch here at Endless Mt. Labradors…

If you haven’t noticed yet on our website, Doc is quite famous here and we could probably make a whole website and photo gallery designated to our beloved boy… but I digress…

Deke- Endless Mt. Labradors

Deke, son of our CH Endless Mt. Scotland Yard (“Scotch”), napping with his girl… aww….

Deke- Endless Mt. Labradors

Deke again… a pillow pet for a rainy Monday…

I can’t think of a better thing to do on a rainy Monday, but to cuddle up with a good book and a lab… or maybe a cup of tea and a lab… or even watch a good movie with your lab… hmmm, I’m creating a trend here, aren’t I??

Doc and J- Endless Mt. Labradors

Yes, this is Doc and Jonathan dozing off together. 🙂

Amy and Eva- Endless Mt. Labradors

Amy and Eva here at Endless Mt. Labs…

I can’t think of any toy that’s better than your lab to cuddle up with for a good nap! Kids and labs are made for each other… We have countless pictures of Eva (my assistant’s toddler) hanging out with her labby buddies.

Sweet Dreams- Endless Mt. Labradors

Sweet dreams…

Sleepy pup- Endless Mt. Labradors

How does she sleep like that??

Goose and his kitten- Endless Mt. Labradors

Interspecies cuddling, also cute…

Mia pup- Endless Mt. Labradors

Goodness I love this one!

Pup sleeping- Endless Mt. Labradors

Little Dumbo…

So now that you’ve probably dozed off yourself while looking through these pictures of sleepy labs… I’ll end with saying, a Happy Rainy Monday to you! Ignore the dishes, forget about the busyness of life, grab a lab, and savor the rainy day…

Yin and Yang- Endless Mt. Labradors

For more adorable Endless Mt. Labrador pictures, visit our testimonial page at https://emlabradors.com/testimonials/

or our photo gallery at https://emlabradors.com/photos/

And of course to inquire about acquiring your own Endless Mt. Cuddle Buddy, check out our upcoming litters!




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