labrador lovers we thank you

Thank You Labrador Lovers…

In September 2, 2013

Thank You To The Community of Labrador Lovers

So I’m sitting here trying to think of a topic to blog about… and all I can do is scroll down through more and more comments and pictures on our Endless Mt. Labradors Facebook page.  I can’t help but smile and fawn over all of these dogs that clearly look SO happy in the homes that we picked for them!

Deke- Endless Mt. Labradors

Deke (Jane x Scotch) napping with his girl…

Watching how some look like their mother or father… or act like one more than the other! 😉  Not only do we receive emails and pictures from people almost daily, telling us how their Endless Mt. additions are doing in their forever homes, but we get to see litter-mates reunited right on Facebook!!  Seeing pictures of these Endless Mt. play dates absolutely make. my. day. 🙂

Quill pup- Endless Mt. Labradors

I get to see all of these pups from litters over the years, all grown up now!  It’s incredible, really…

Wall-e- Endless Mt. Labradors

Wall-e (Quill x Manny) enjoying the snow in Colorado!

This is my thank you to you guys for being truly awesome…  

Thank you for including us on this wonderful journey with your family.

Thank you for letting us see the fruits of our labor.

Thank you for giving great homes to these beautiful creatures that we love so much.

Thank you for keeping in touch.

Thank you for wanting to better this wonderful breed along with us.

Thank you for making what we do, oh so worth it.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Hattie pup- Endless Mt. Labradors


We are looking forward to seeing this community of Labrador lovers continue to grow!  It’s such a cool way to stay in contact with one another and to all be a part of these pups’ lives!

To see more stories and pictures of Endless Mt. pups, see our Testimonials page!

To become part of this great community of Endless Mt. Labs, see our Upcoming Litters page!

And of course, Like us on Facebook!!!


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