Booster Shot Warning
So many people ask me my opinion about vaccines, but I’d rather share the scientific facts so that you can make an intelligent decision about how/when to vaccinate your dog. “The Jab” is high profit for veterinarians. But it... -
What kind of Over-exercise can harm my Labrador?
This blog is SO overdue. I’m sad to say, I hate to witness situations where clients over-exercised their dogs to the point of injury to see how important this is. I cannot stress enough how important it... -
How Large is a Labrador?
As we’ve talked about in our blog before, there are two types or styles of Labrador: American (or Field) and English. We only breed the English style Labrador, which is also what you would see at an AKC show,... -
Life’s Abundance Dog Food
For the past 2 months we have been furiously researching a replacement food for the Flint River Ranch brand that closed this month. We got a “heads up” in early December that there may been a possibility this would... -
A Breeder’s Note on Canine Obesity
Fat dogs are NOT FUNNY! (And new laws will be coming out that will confiscate your dog if they are underfed, just as if your dog was found emaciated!) Keep in mind, an obese dog is at as great... -
Where do the meat sources “really” come from in processed pet food?
I was just doing a simple Google search one day, as I usually do, researching pet foods, as I’ve done for the past 20 years having been obsessed with learning about what pet foods are best for our dogs.... -
Why Do Dogs Scoot Their Butts? Part 2
Nothing is worse that smelling the secretion of anal glands, or having to extract them. Even worse, having your precious pup spread that nasty stuff all over your carpet! It is much more common is some breeds. But just... -
3 Causes of Hot Spots in Dogs
Hot spots are open, red sores caused by a dog constantly licking the site of irritation. But what leads to the incessant licking? A Wet Coat It is not uncommon for a dog that loves to swim to often... -
Orthopedic Dog Beds: Buying Considerations
ORTHOPEDIC DOG BEDS: BUYING CONSIDERATIONS If you have an older dog that struggles with hip dysplasia or arthritis, it’s so hard to see your pet suffering. Other than the incredible pain and discomfort, your pet can have a hard...